Health & Aging

Saskatoon Health Care Facilities, Services and Programs


Saskatoon Hospitals

Saskatoon Medical Clinics

These clinics are privately run minor emergency and walk-in centers, not connected to the Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon region. They provide minor emergency care when patients cannot reach their family doctor or need urgent care that doesn't necessitate a visit to the hospital's emergency room.


Reporting Health Care Concerns and Complaints

If you're worried about the health services you've received, here's how to address it:

  1. Talk to Your Provider: To start, try discussing your concerns directly with the healthcare provider involved or their supervisor if possible.

  2. Saskatchewan Health Authority: If your concerns aren't resolved, reach out to the Client Concern Specialist in your area at the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

  3. Health Professional Associations: If you still feel your complaint isn't fairly handled and other avenues of appeal are unhelpful, consider contacting the relevant Health Professional Association. These associations are legally obligated to receive and investigate complaints about the competency and behavior of their members.

Provincial Ombudsman: As a final option, you may contact the Office of the Provincial Ombudsman at 306-933-5500.

Saskatchewan Health Care Services and Programs

Medical Advice Phone Lines

Influenza and COVID-19 Immunizations

Flu and/or COVID Vaccinations: Book online or call 1-833-727-5829.

Stock photo of a stethoscope

Ministry of Health

General Inquiry Line: 1-800-667-7766 

Prescription Drug Plans and Health Coverage

Health Registries / Health Card

Hearing Services

Home Care

Personal Care Homes
Seniors who meet certain criteria may receive monthly financial assistance to help with the cost of living in a licensed personal care home. 

Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living (SAIL): 306-787-7121 or toll free 1-888-787-8996.

Additional Resources

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