GoForth Hub Club

Hub Club Schedule
Calvin GoForth Presbyterian Church, 1602 Sommerfeld Avenue.

  • Monday Nov 4 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m: Program: Fraud Prevention for Seniors.
    Presentation by Nishit Gandhi, CPA. Prior to attending Mr. Gandhi’s presentation, you might like to read a pdf booklet from Canada's Competition Bureau by searching on Google: The Little Black Book of Scams, 2nd edition, March 2018.

  • Monday Feb 3 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m: Saskatchewan Lung Association

For more information about this Hub Club, contact Sheila at 306-955-9119

Please note that this location observes COVID protocols and masks are required.

Lesia Design Inc.

Lesia Design is


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