Explore Our Publications and Stay Informed with the Saskatoon Council on Aging
Coming of Age Newsletter
Published in early fall, winter and spring, the Coming of Age newsletter promotes positive aging for older adults, highlights age-friendly aspects of a community and includes articles tailored to the interests of older adults.
The Coming of Age newsletter is emailed to SCOA members, and both current and past issues are available for download below:
Do you have ideas or suggestions for articles? To submit an idea or suggestion for an article, please contact admin@scoa.ca. The deadlines for submission are April 1 (Summer), July 1 (Fall) and Dec 1 (Winter).
Advertise in the Coming of Age Newsletter and our monthly eNews
Directory of Services and Social Activities for Older Adults
Over 100 pages of resources for older adults: health products, fitness opportunities, social opportunities and much more
Age-Friendly Saskatoon Publications
Policy and Research
Age-Friendly Policy Lens: A Self-Assessment Tool (PDF)
Beyond the Pandemic Re-Opening Saskatchewan: A Call to Action (PDF)
Summary Reports
Age-Friendly Saskatoon Initiative Phase 1 Summary Report (PDF)
Age-Friendly Saskatoon Initiative Phase 2 Summary Report (PDF)
Age-Friendly Saskatoon Initiative Phase 3 Summary Report (PDF)