Caregiver Forum: "EngAGING Positively in Caregiving"
Caregiver Forum: "EngAGING Positively in Caregiving"
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Time: 10am - 3pm (Doors open at 9:30am with presentations starting at 10:00am)
Location: Ebenezer Baptist Church- 107 McWillie Avenue, Saskatoon SK
Cost: $20 (includes lunch)
Join us for a day of education, prizes, food & conversation. Gather with other caregivers to learn more about how to better support yourself while supporting others.

National Caregiving Strategy
1 in 4 Canadians more than 8 million people are caregivers,
and a growing number are experiencing significant health, social
and financial consequences related to their caregiving roles