Register for Classes & Events
This page is for upcoming classes and events that require participants to register.
To browse all classes and events visit the event calendar page
CAREGIVER FORUM: EngAGING Positively in Caregiving
Tues, April 1 , 10am - 2pm
(Doors open at 9:30 am with presentations starting at 10am)
Location: Ebenezer Baptist Church (107 McWillie Avenue, Saskatoon SK)
Join us for a day of education, prizes, food & conversation. Gather with other caregivers to learn more about how to better support yourself while supporting others. Coffee will be provided & lunch is included with the ticket. More information
Cost: $20 PHONE 306.652.2255 or sign up on Eventbrite
You've Written A Will But Are All Your Ducks in a Row?
Wed April 9 1 pm to 2 pm
Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive, room TBD
Free to attend
• Estate administration made simple
• How to plan for funeral and final expense costs
• Sheltering money from your estate and probate.
• What to do if a death occurs while traveling
• How to relieve your family of financial and emotional stress
Sponsored by Executor Protection and Canada Purple Shield
Every seat in this seminar that is filled, Canada Purple Shield will donate $20 to the Saskatoon Council on Aging.
Needle Felting CLASS with Dianne Murphy
Tues April 22 1:30 to 3 pm
SCOA Boardroom, 2020 College Drive
The class will teach the technique of needle-felting with wool fibre while creating a small 3-dimensional owl. I encourage having fun and being creative while emphasizing safety when using felting needles.
Cost: $60
Phone 306.652.0149 to register or use the online form
Globe Walk Celebration Luncheon
Wed May 14 11:30 to 2 pm [ Doors open at 11:30 am]
Western Development Museum
Join us and celebrate milestones and achievements for Globe Walk 2025
Cost: $25
Phone 306.652.2255 to purchase tickets