Caregiver Cafe

Caregiver Cafe

Join us on February 25th for the Caregiver Café featuring Camille Tyler, a Licensed Practical Nurse from the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan. Discover communication tips for caregivers of people living with dementia in this engaging and informative session.

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Caregiver Cafe —Wills, Power of Attorney, and Advanced Healthcare Directives - FULL

Caregiver Cafe —Wills, Power of Attorney, and Advanced Healthcare Directives - FULL

Where: Room 3, Saskatoon Field House - FULL

2020 College Drive, Saskatoon SK S7N 2W4


Join us for a thought-provoking information session hosted by Pro Bono Students Canada's Wills Project (PBSC), where you can gain valuable insights into wills, power of attorney, and advanced healthcare directives. Expect to broaden your understanding and leave with a new perspective on these important topics.

Phone 306.652.2255 to register

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Caregiver Cafe

Caregiver Cafe

Steps to Safety - Fire & Fall Prevention

Tuesday, Sept 24, 2024 from 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Meeting Room 3 in the Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive. FREE PARKING.

TJ Nicholson, Saskatoon Fire Dept will discuss:

Saskatoon Fire Department's commitment to residents of Saskatoon

practical fire prevention tips & common causes.

Step to Safety program, causes of falls and tips to help prevent them

Free to attend, phone 306.652.2255

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Caregiver Café: Social Prescribing in Saskatchewan - Living well in YOUR Community

Caregiver Café: Social Prescribing in Saskatchewan - Living well in YOUR Community

Who: Rod McKendrick C.M. - Social Prescribing Provincial Coordinator, with Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism, a national and international lecturer who works towards bringing people together to address many of the issues we face in our everyday lives.

When: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Where: Meeting Room 3 in the Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive. FREE PARKING.

What: An hour-long presentation (including time for questions)

Description: Join us to learn more about Social Prescribing in Saskatchewan, what is it, what can it do, and who will benefit from it? Social Prescribing bridges the gap between medical and community services. When older adults present with non-medical symptoms like loneliness, lack of transport or food insecurity, healthcare professionals can refer them to community-based services and programs through Community Connectors to enhance the quality of life of the older adult.

Cost: FREE

In-person seats are limited – call 306-652-2255 to save your spot.

Coffee and refreshments provided.

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Caregiver Cafe

Caregiver Cafe

Nutrition with Dr. Allison Cammer

Dr. Allison Cammer (Registered Dietitian with a MSc in Community Health

and Epidemiology and a PhD in Nutrition) explores nutrition for older adults

When: May 2, 2024 from 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Where: Meeting Room 2 in the Saskatoon Field House (upstairs), 2020 College


What: A one-hour presentation (including time for questions). Free coffee &

refreshments provided.

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Caregiver Forum:  Empowering Caregivers and Fostering Connections

Caregiver Forum: Empowering Caregivers and Fostering Connections

Join us for a day of education, prizes, food & conversation. Gather with other caregivers to learn more about how to better support yourself while supporting others.


Tues, April 2nd, 2024 10am - 3pm (Doors open 9am)

Ebenezer Baptist Church (107 McWillie Avenue, Saskatoon)

Cost: $20 [includes lunch] Phone 306.652.2255 to register

Presentations by:

- Steve Hall, RN, MN, CMSN(C), will present his research findings on "The Saskatchewan Caregiver Experience"

- University of Saskatchewan Community Health Nursing Students, Jenny Chomyn & Corey Freimark, will present "Orientation to Caregiving"

- The Alzheimer Society will provide "caregiving tips for Persons Living with Dementia"

- Jeanne Beaudoin from SHA's Community Services will present "Care for the Caregiver"

- Coffee will be provided & lunch is included with the ticket

- Free 3-hour respite available for your care recipient from Alto – Professional Care Service Provider. Only 2 spots available. Please call the office to register. 306-652-2255.

Thanks to funders and supporters : Petro-Canada CareMakers Foundation, Saskatchewan Blue Cross
Planet Fitness

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Caregiver Lunch & Learn: Housing Options for Older Adults

Caregiver Lunch & Learn: Housing Options for Older Adults

Who: Jennifer White – Seniors Housing Consultant.

When: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from 11:30am – 1:30pm

Where: Meeting Room 3 in the Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive. FREE PARKING.

A presentation aimed at guiding older adults and their caregivers in understanding the various housing options available, including aging in place, enriched housing or assisted living, personal care homes, and special homes, to employ the right level of future care, at the right time, in the right setting. We will also cover details related to funding and financial support, while highlighting some considerations to keep in mind as indicators of a need for transition consideration.

Cost: FREE to Attend Limited to 20 spots – call 306-652-2255 to save your spot.

FREE lunch and refreshments provided courtesy of “Just Like Family” Home Care. From 55 to 105: Positive Aging Life Enrichment Series

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Caregiver Café - Care-Mapping: “Who can I turn to when I need help?” NOTE DATE CHANGE

Caregiver Café - Care-Mapping: “Who can I turn to when I need help?” NOTE DATE CHANGE

Who: Mary-Anne Parker, End-of-life care consultant/doula, lecturer and caregiver who advocates for timely access to end-of-life care for all Saskatchewan.

When: Tuesday, March 5 2024 from 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Where: Meeting Room 3 in the Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive FREE PARKING.

Using a simple but effective tool for mapping access to care and understanding future care needs, Mary-Anne will walk participants through a potential (or existing) care situation to discover where existing help can be found and apply creative thinking to how other needs can be met. This is also a time to celebrate good care that is happening and honour those who take care of others.

Cost: FREE

In-person seats are limited – call 306-652-2255 to save your spot. Coffee and refreshments provided. LIVE stream available, visit SCOA’s YouTube page

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Caregiver Café: Sharing Stories of Recovery from Mental Illness

Caregiver Café: Sharing Stories of Recovery from Mental Illness

Who: The Schizophrenia Society’s Partnership Program

When: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 from 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Where: Meeting Room 3 in the Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive FREE PARKING.

The Schizophrenia Society’s Partnership Program will share stories of recovery from

mental illness to promote treatment and recovery and reduce stigma and

misconceptions about mental illness.

-Stories of recovery, stories from family members

-A health care advocate will share the facts and resources on mental illness.

-Q & A

Cost: FREE

In-person seats are limited – call 306-652-2255 to save your spot.
Coffee and refreshments provided.

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Caregiver Café: Exploring Home Care Options

Tuesday, June 27, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Location: Meeting Room 3, Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive

Brea, equipped with a Bachelor of Education and a deep understanding of Saskatchewan's home care options, will provide valuable insight whether you're looking for care for yourself, a loved one, or preparing for the future.

Additionally, there will be discussions about available tax credits and funding options, helping you optimize your care investment for maximum safety and support.

Alto is generously offering free three-hour respite services for two care recipients. Please call our office at 306-652-2255 to register.

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