Ignite 2025! Be a SCOA Member!

Don't miss out - renew your membership and unlock a world of exclusive benefits. If renewing your membership will be good until March 31, 2026!

  • Expand your horizons: Dive into classes and workshops designed to spark curiosity and new interests

  • Unlock value: Enjoy discounts on select programs and events.

  • Coupon Pack: Receive our thank-you coupon pack with discounts from participating partners

  • Shape the future: Exercise your voice and vote at our Annual General Meeting, help to guide the direction of SCOA

  • Be a Change Maker: Join a community of voices advocating for the needs and rights of older adults

  • Support vital programs: Your membership directly supports our efforts to provide crucial education, information, social opportunities and ways to make a difference in the lives of older adults in our community

    Single member - 25.00 Couples - 35.00 Non profit - 25.00 Corporate - 250.00

Renew Today!

Be part of a vibrant community that values the wisdom and contributions of older adults.
Call 306-652-2255 to renew over phone to pay by credit card,
Stop by our office in the Field House
Mail in a cheque - SCOA 2020 College Dr. S7N 2W4
Fill out our online form [you will receive an invoice after you submit the form]


Got Talent? Audition for Zoomer Idol!


A Caregiving Journey