Strong, Balanced and Fast [FAST Program] with Venture Rehabilitation - FULL
Dates and times: Weds January 22 to April 9 [12 weeks] 9 am to 10 am
Location: Multi-Purpose Room, 2nd floor, Saskatoon Field House, 2020 College Drive
Cost: $75 Phone 306.652.0149 to register
Maximum participants - 20
Strong, Balanced, & FAST is an exercise program aimed at older adults with a focus on balance, upper and lower body strength and mobility, and core stability.
• Attendance at all sessions is recommended but not mandatory.
• Wear loose-fitting clothing or anything comfortable for movement.
• Features a combination of upper and lower body stretching and strengthening, trunk/core stability training, balance training, as well as agility training (moving quickly).
• There is a "fall prevention" component, so participants will learn some controlled body descent exercises and quick body descent exercises
[Sample class outline 5 minute warmup, 5 min posture reinforcement sitting/standing with movement, 10 min Balance/Core/Overall strength, 10 min Upper body strength, response, wall progression, 5 min Floor sequence, core as able, 10 min Agility, speed, dual task, fun/progressions, 5 min Cool down]