Classes & Events for Seniors

Discover, Learn, and Connect with SCOA's Classes and Events

At the Saskatoon Council on Aging (SCOA), we understand how important it is to actively nurture our physical, mental and emotional well-being for healthy aging. That's why we're passionate about lifelong learning for older adults. It's about more than just acquiring new skills; it's about staying sharp, finding purpose, and fostering social connections. Just like we work out to keep our bodies fit, our minds need exercise, too.

Promoting Positive Aging

Join us in exploring the range of classes and events we offer seniors aged 55 and above. Enjoy an art class, learn how to use your iPhone, express yourself through creative writing or attend a senior's social event or tradeshow. Our social events and classes offer something fun for everyone.

Upcoming Classes & Events:

A volunteer at SCOA teaching two older adults how to use their phones

Register for a Class or Workshop

Payment must be received at the time of registration. To register for classes, you have multiple payment options:

Visit Class Registration Page

Credit Card: Call us at 306-652-2255 to pay over the phone.

Cheque: Send your payment to SCOA, 2020 College Drive, Saskatoon, S7N 2W4.

In-Person: Visit our office located in the Field House to make your payment.

Annual Events

Three older adults performing on stage at SCOA's Zoomer Idol event

Zoomer Idol

Zoomer Idol is a unique event that celebrates the talents of older adults. Featuring various performances from vocalists, bands, and dance acts, Zoomer Idol specifically showcases individuals over 50. This gala includes a cocktail hour, dinner, and an exciting competition judged by local music professionals.

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Speakers Bureau

The Saskatoon Council on Aging's Speakers Bureau, composed of dedicated staff and volunteers, offers informative presentations to the community. Our presentations highlight SCOA's commitment to creating an age-friendly community and enhancing the quality of life for those 55 and older. Topics covered include SCOA's programs and services, caregiving, ageism, elder abuse, and more. Customized presentations for specific groups or meetings are also available. 

For more information or to arrange a presentation, contact our office at 306-652-2255.

A room of participants at the Spotlight on Seniors event in Saskatoon

Spotlight on Seniors

Spotlight on Seniors is a vibrant event tailored for older adults, offering an engaging mix of over 80 tradeshow booths, diverse activities, and entertainment. This annual showcase, set in the heart of Saskatoon, is a fantastic opportunity for seniors to explore various topics ranging from retirement planning to leisure activities, and helps foster a sense of community and learning.

View Event Details >

We're Here to Help

Do you have questions about the Saskatoon Council on Aging? Feel free to reach out - we're here to help.